For Doctors

Your Clinic
Digitized In Your Way

Software that Adapts to Your
Practice Style

Customizable to Fit Your Needs

Boost practice efficiency with a fully Dynamic Prescription Template.

Optimise Practice Efficacy with Machine Learning

Leverage the power of machine learning [ML] that identifies meaningful patterns in your consultation, and enables the system to adapt & optimize auto-suggestions

Personalized Support for You & Your Staff

Get a dedicated account manager to help you automate your clinical processes and ensure smooth onboarding. Get personalized virtual assistance, for a better & fast solution. 

Designed for Patient-Centered Practice


Your Patient History at a Click

With patients’ history available at a click, provide better diagnosis and treatment. With Patients history analysis tool, uncover critical information, compare changes and determine crucial factors influencing a conditions, at a quick glance.

Stay Connected with Your Patients

Connect and engage with your patients even after consultation for better patient care and enhanced patient loyalty.

Your Internet may Stop, Your Practice Won’t

Offline Mode for Internet Downtime

Intermittent access to the Internet is no more a challenge. Manage your practice offline during unexpected Internet outages.

Automatic Data Sync

Sync-up your data automatically on cloud later once your Internet connectivity resumes.

AI Smart Clinics For Doctors


Analyzing Healthcare System


Medical Record Management


Virtual Care Assistants


AI Body Vital Sign System

Your Practice at Your Fingertips

Take Your Clinic to the Cloud

Access and manage your practice, clinical workflows, patient engagement & more, digitally.

Now Your Practice is Portable

Stay connected with your Clinic from anywhere anytime using web login. Access all your clinical data remotely.

Designed for Ease-of-Use

Get Started in Seconds

No need for complex training or tutorials. Sign-up, get on-board and get started with your new digitised practice.

User-friendly Graphical Interface

Easy-to-use visually rich and interactive graphical interface lets you evaluate medical condition of patients better and provide them the explanation for their condition that is best understo

Global Standard Data Security

With end-to-end data encryption on cloud and multi-level security checks, work with absolute data security. Allow access, using secure login IDs, to only authorised staff members.

Upload your prescription